Thursday, January 7, 2010


I don't have a lot to say, but I thought it was important to blog SOMETHING, since I started this new blog and all. I'm in Nashville, where I'm attending the GCN Conference( if you wanna check it out) Going to the conference is a struggle for me, since the crowds screw with my anxiety, and my snarkiness(read: I'm a bitch) is coming out in full force. I'm trying really hard to not have any expectations, and to be kind. So far, it's going okay. I just keep telling myself to be cool. So, we'll see.

PS- It is FREAKING COLD in Nashville. I have got to move to a state or country where winter does not happen in the extreme. Any suggestions?

PPS- There's this really cuuuute waiter that works in the hotel bar. It makes up for a lot.


  1. Have fun Nikki and enjoy it! Wish I could be there to be snarky with you :p

  2. I know Dave! It would have been soo much fun!
